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    Mitsubishi Pajero 46 Transponder Key MK11522
    Mitsubishi Lancer 46 Transponder Key MK11521
    Lexus 4C Transponder Key TOY40 Blade MK11123
    Lexus 4C Transponder Key TOY48 Blade MK11121

    Transponder Keys

    What is a Car Transponder Key?

    Since that the car theft techniques were improved in the last years, the protection systems need to improve as well.

    Car transponder key is considered as one of the car anti-theft systems, even the most important and essential part of the theft protection system.

    The car transponder key consists of a microchip that has a unique digital ID called serial number, inside the car there is a remote receiver located beside the ignition system, this remote receiver programmed to accept only the code programmed on the RFID microchip in the car transponder key.

    This code will be placed in the transponder key by the manufacturer, and the car will not start unless the receiver detected that specific code from the transponder key.

    We at Emirates Keys, can provide our valuable locksmith customers, with a wide variety of car transponder keys accompanied with the programming devices that might be needed.

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